Tuesday, October 27, 2015

ADSS 1.132 Tardini notes: worsening situation

ADSS 1.132 Domenico Tardini, notes

Reference: AES 6820/39

Location and date: Vatican, 26.08.1939

Summary statement: Orsenigo asks to be authorised to take useful initiatives on the spot – Pope agrees.  Orsenigo asks for a reply from Poland to his proposal.  Warsaw is approached to enquire.

Language: Italian


13.45. H.E. Monsignor Orsenigo telephones.  He asks if his coded telegram of last night has arrived. (1) I reply in the affirmative.  He adds (very worried):

1. Here things are precipitating.

2. We are afraid that what we feared will happen as soon as the British Ambassador arrives back from London where he went to take new “conditions”. (2)

3. He asks to be authorised to act according to what I have communicated.  To be in time we must act at once, be telephone.

14.15. Received august instructions; I telephone Monsignor Orsenigo:

The Holy Father gives you authorisation, since you “are on the spot” and sends you his benediction.

He replies: “But have they accepted? I wish to convey their agreement.” I reply: “As soon as we have a reply I shall convey it to you.”

16.10. The attached despatch is sent in code. (3) Vatican Radio has been able to contact Warsaw – out of broadcasting time.

16.25. The telegram has been received by the Warsaw Radio Station, which gives assurance of its immediate delivery to the addressee.

(1) ADSS 1.123. Tardini’s other notes specify that Orsenigo’s telegram arrived at the Vatican at 08.40 and was decoded by 11.15. (AES 6313/39).
(2) Neville Henderson (1882-1942), British Ambassador to Germany 1937-39.

(3) ADSS 1.133.

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